How drones and water mix at the Water Congress Summer Conference - 1UP Drones

How drones and water mix at the Water Congress Summer Conference

Under normal circumstances you wouldn’t combine an electronic device with water. We want to demonstrate that you can! UAV technology can add significant benefits to the water industry, and we can show you how.

1UP Aerial Drone Services, Inc. is pleased to be an exhibitor at the 2018 Colorado Water Congress Summer Conference. Held in Vail, Colorado, at the beautiful Hotel Talisa (formerly the Vail Cascade) on Westhaven Drive, this annual conference focuses on water issues of concern throughout Colorado.

In addition, attendees will enjoy hearing from Colorado political candidates on their perspectives concerning water issues, exhibits and demonstrations from a variety of businesses and water concerns, and even a visual display depicting Colorado’s water infrastructure through four different time periods.

1UP Drones and the Water Industry

1UP Aerial Drone Services is a pioneer in using drone technology to help the water industry become more efficient and productive. Drones can go where people can’t go and see what people can’t see, allowing water concerns to examine, inspect, and map remote locations or areas of concern.

Images are recorded in different spectral bands, from the visible to the short-wave infrared and in the thermal infrared band and are then interpreted by experts. Leaks can be detected through changes in the nearby environment surrounding the pipeline. Potential problems can be detected and corrected early, saving time and resources.

One example of such a collaboration was a project between 1UP Drones and the Northern Water Conservation District. Northern Water contracted 1UP Drones for scanning and inspection services on a large metropolitan canal and feeder pipeline, as well as training their personnel on the legalities and operation of drones for commercial use. Check out a full article on the collaborative project, and here is a quote from a member of Northern Water’s leadership:

“The 1UP project allowed us to fully understand the complexities, FAA regulations, risk, and capabilities of a wide range of cameras and sensors connected to the UAVs (drones). Drones have a place in our business as another ‘tool’ to help us inspect large land masses and locate anomalies, cracks, and potential leaks in canals and pipelines. This new operations and maintenance aerial perspective that drones represent will help us record information for many years in the future.”

Stop In for a Visit

Don’t miss the 1UP Aerial Drone Services exhibit at the Colorado Water Congress Summer Conference! We will be located at site number two, on the business center side of the Hotel Talisa foyer.

Examine a commercial drone, several cameras, and talk to our drone experts about how UAVs and drone technology can help your water concern improve safety and productivity while reducing costs.

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