Commercial Real Estate: How Can Drones Help the Selling Process? - 1UP Drones

Commercial Real Estate: How Can Drones Help the Selling Process?

Realtors and property owners are always looking for the next best selling technique. While the housing market is exploding right now, commercial real estate has not seen the same effect. COVID caused many businesses to shut down and companies went remote, leaving these commercial properties empty. There is beginning to be a glimmer of hope though. The country is reopening in many places with the virus slowing down. Now is the time for a comeback of commercial real estate! 

However, with less companies looking for space than previous years, it is vital to get creative. Using drones to take photographs and videos could be the key to making your property stand out. Furthermore, hiring a professional team, like 1UP Drones, will ensure amazing results with minimal effort. As a busy property owner, you will want to consider leaving these tasks for the pros. They will have the best equipment, know the proper techniques, and will easily make your property look spectacular or easily conduct inspections. 

Of course, there are countless reasons to use drones while trying to sell or rent your commercial real estate. Here are just a few! 

Location, Location, Location

It is no secret that location is the number one selling point for any property. Whether renting or selling, the surrounding area will make or break the decision. Drones are a wonderful resource to provide great photographs and videos of the town or city that the commercial real estate is located. 

A tour of the town will allow potential buyers the ability to get a real feeling for the area. Local restaurants, parks, and other attractions will make the property more exciting. Most companies are looking to give their employees added benefits within the workplace. A great walkability score is a great one where teams can host happy hours at a local bar, or provide a safe area for employees to walk during breaks.  While “walkability” is nice a “traffic flow analysis” is a must.  Drones can hover over intersections for hours, at different intervals, i.e. rush hour,  and then use “time stamped hyperlapse” software to cut the hours of recorded traffic to mere minutes.

As drones can provide great footage from an aerial view from endless angles, it is a wonderful way to capture the whole layout of the property. 

The Entire Property Can Be Mapped Out

Almost as important as the location of the property is, of course, the layout and area of the actual property. Using drones is a simple and wonderful way to show the entire premises. As commercial real estate properties are typically large, photographing the entirety can be rather difficult with typical cameras. 

A drone has the capability to shoot from many views and ultimately provide a 3d model (digital twin) photo of the entire area. From an aerial view, the property can easily be mapped out to provide an accurate, real image. These detailed maps can be the key to showcasing these large properties to potential buyers or renters. 

On the other hand, a smaller property can be lost in an aerial shot with the busyness of the surrounding area. For these properties, outlining the commercial real estate in the picture will ensure the specific property is the star of the image. 

Remote Showings 

Potential buyers or renters may not live in the area of your commercial real estate. Or due to the pandemic, they may feel unsafe meeting in person. Using a drone to film every inch of the property is an efficient way to provide a remote showing. Even if this is just the first viewing, it will be a great way for buyers or renters to gain initial interest. 

Easy Inspections for Commercial Real Estate

Aside from using photographs and videos as a selling point, consider also utilizing drones for inspections. Commercial real estate properties need to conduct inspections often to ensure the building is up to code. A potential renter or buyer will likely be interested in seeing a full positive report.  

Not only can drones search, film, and provide reports on the outside area of the property, they can also easily check harder to reach places. This can include the roof, crawl spaces, vents, and other locations within the building. Additionally, they can detect and locate hazardous gas or other leaks. While in person inspections take unnecessary time and man-power, a drone can quickly and efficiently scan the entire building.  Hard to reach HVAC units, thermal images of poor roof construction/conditions, utilities and many other areas of large commercial properties make fantastic use cases for drones.

Hiring a professional team for a task such as this is usually the correct decision. You will need a high quality or specific type of drone as well as a skilled operator to complete the job successfully.

Budget Friendly Option

Back just a decade ago, photographing a commercial real estate property would have been very expensive. Hiring a helicopter to provide aerial shots of the entire space would be time consuming and a heavy cost. 

Using a professional drone company to photograph your property, show your listing remotely, or help with inspections is a much cheaper alternative. Not to mention, it is a very effective marketing strategy for selling or renting your property! 

What can 1UP Drones do for you?

1UP Drones can help with all of your commercial real estate needs. From photographing and videoing your property to carrying out inspections or documenting construction/renovations projects, we can ensure these tasks are done right. Our team of professionals have the expertise, experience, and the best tools to give you the results you are looking for. 

Drones can help streamline the selling or renting process for your commercial property as well as expeditiously carry out inspections. This technology exists and works great, why not use it?

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